24.25 Heritage Incentive Scheme

This is a preview of the Heritage Incentive Scheme Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


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Applicants: please note

Before completing this application form, you should have read the program guidelines: www.mountbarker.sa.gov.au/build/heritage/heritageincentivescheme 

The Heritage Incentive Scheme (HIS) is designed to assist residents with the conservation of their heritage listed property (or properties). The HIS offers:

  • The waiving of development application fees for conservation works.
  • Free professional heritage advice from Council’s Heritage Adviser. Advice is available for a range of projects such as:
    restoration of stonework, verandahs, roofs and fencing, general information on suitable materials, colours and construction techniques.
  • A grants scheme involving a subsidy of up to 50% (up to a maximum of $3,000) of the total cost of conservation works to assist owners in conserving heritage listed properties.

If you have any questions in regards to these eligibility criteria, please contact Caroline Stone via phone on 8391 7200 or email cstone@mountbarker.sa.gov.au 

If you do contact us throughout the application process, please quote the application number below:

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Confirmation of Eligibility

I confirm that the applicant is an owner of State and/or Local Heritage Places and/or of Representative Items and other historic buildings within a Historic Conservation Area.

To check the historic status of the building, visit: maps.sa.gov.au/heritagesearch

Please select below: * Required